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2020 GMC Savana G3500 6.0L vin: 7GZ37TCG4LN010284 free car history
Auction: Copart
Lot number: 54853133
Date of sale: 13.09.2023
Year: 2020
VIN: 7GZ37TCG4LN010284
Condition: Starts
Engine: 6.0L 8
Mileage: 118485 miles (Actual)
Seller: Insurance Company
Location: NJ - Glassboro
Primary Damage: Front end
Secondary Damage: Side
Estimated Retail Value: Отсутствует
Estimated Repair Cost ≈ 30976
Transmission: Automatic
Body color: White
Drive: Rear wheel drive
Fuel: Gasoline
Keys: Present
Notes: Отсутствует
GMC Savana G3500 6.0L vin: 7GZ37TCG4LN010284 was auctioned by Copart 13.09.2023 under lot number 54853133 with Front end, Side for $3400. At the time of sale, the mileage was 118485 miles (Actual)
Information provided by © Bldfax.info